Feel free to contact us with other questions you may have.

What if I only write lyrics? Can an SU co-writer just write the music?

YES. Where would Bernie Taupin be without Elton John?

What if I write only music? Can I still sign up?

YES. Where would Elton John be without Bernie Taupin? 

Can I book the same SU writer multiple sessions? 

YES, but that is up to the SU writer as well. We strongly encourage you to work with different writers, to get a diverse creative experience.

Can I work on more than one song in a session?

Yes. Some hit songs have been written in twenty minutes. This is at the discretion of your SU co-writer. And REMEMBER: Record a copy of all your work by any means before your session ends!

Can I write in person with an SU staff writer?

Yes, contact us, NOT an SU staff writer, about setting up a unique, in-person writing experience with one of our songwriters. These packages vary in length and cost. And writing in person is at the sole discretion of each SU staff writer.

Can I sing or produce my own demos or recordings?

Yes, of course. Go for it. We also offer production services with the best producers, studio players and singers.

How does the 3 session package work?

The cost for three sessions purchased individually is $1500.  Buying the package saves you $300. This is a great way to gain momentum with an SU writer and complete multiple songs.

Do I pay for the 3 session package up front?

Yes, this can insure access to the same SU writer for all three sessions. Or choose

three different SU co-writers.

How far in advance can I book an SU staff writer?

We book up to three months ahead.  

Hey, why should I pay to co-write songs?

You may or may not know that in the recording industry there are session players and session singers who are hired for their remarkable skill sets. They show up, deliver and get paid, often on the spot, for their time and talents. Songwriters have always worked basically for free in the hope of mailbox money that eventually comes from royalties. For many reasons, like streaming and downloading, the royalty pipeline has shrunk drastically. We believe successful songwriters who have proven their value should be compensated like session players and singers. At SU our mission is to honor songs and songwriters. So, at SU we have session songwriters.